If the GSEs are privatized with only their current capital levels, respondents indicated risk premiums on MBS would widen by as much as 45 basis points or more. https://www.nationalmortgagenews.com/articles/nearly-half-of-mbs-investors-expect-fannie-freddie-privatized-by-2028
MBA predicts profitability, but with challenges ahead
A trade group's estimates point to another quarter of profitability in housing finance, but originations have limits and loan performance is under pressure. https://www.nationalmortgagenews.com/news/mba-predicts-profitability-but-with-challenges-ahead
FHFA, Treasury amend GSE conservatorship agreements
The changes add some steps that would have to be taken before Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could exit following statements from a Trump ally indicating plans for a near-term release. https://www.nationalmortgagenews.com/news/fhfa-treasury-amend-gse-conservatorship-agreements
Hedging losses cut into Pennymac unit’s profit
The financial services unit also made a categorization change that revised comparisons to prior periods and will be working with its REIT affiliate in new ways. https://www.nationalmortgagenews.com/news/pennymac-financial-services-profit-cut-by-hedging-losses
CFPB sues Experian for mishandling credit report errors
Experian said it has gone "above and beyond the law" to investigate consumer disputes related to the accuracy of information. https://www.nationalmortgagenews.com/news/experian-sued-by-cfpb-for-mishandling-of-credit-report-errors